Showing posts with label LDI2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LDI2012. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

LDI2012: Creating Engaging Events They'll Want to Attend - Overview


5 topics

1. Facilities

What are the various key elements that will help you have a great event?

2. Materials/Resources

What are the materials/resources that you want to try to provide attendees of your event?

3. Speakers/Presenters

Getting speakers is key to the success of a Tech Fair. You are invited to put a link below to share your Call for Speakers and then please either create a new post with more information, or click to leave a comment below.

It would be interesting to hear your timeline for getting speakers (the real and the dream one), the perks you give your speakers, how you invite them, etc.

4. Political/Scheduling

What are the behind the scenes issues to be aware of?

5. Communication

There are many aspects to communication. What can make or break your event?

Presented by Kim Harrison and June Dodge

Sunday, July 15, 2012

LDI2012: Creating Engaging Events They’ll Want to Attend Notes

Creating Engaging Events They’ll Want to Attend 
There is more than one way to do this, but you don’t have to start from scratch!  Start small.
Keep doing it to build your base.  If you stop you will lose attendees...

1.    Facilities
a.    Location – vary location of events - north south east west county
b.    Small and deep – make sure have room in the program for groups that have a deep interest but not large numbers
c.    Exhibitor space dedicated time for them, passport, insurance,
d.    Food arrangements - policies and space
e.    Insurance writers
f.      Equipment for presenters, chairs and tables
g.    Wi-fi for all users
h.    Custodial support (trash, restrooms, etc.)
i.      IT support
j.      Have a back up plan for rain

2.    Materials/Resources:
a.    Freebees – doorprizes - snacks
b.    Speakers post resources so available before and after - can use CUE Community/Ning
c.    Attendee bags with vendor goodies
d.    Sponsors

3.    Speakers
a.    Keynotes – as is don’t have one - messes up schedule - might not be on target for your group - hard to find room for 1000 people - cost
b.    Spotlight speakers – ID people who have following put in bigger rooms ask to do same presentation twice (provide video of the session on the website) 
c.    Let them know who the audience will be and the room and event set up

4.    Political - Scheduling
a.    Don’t schedule same time as other event - don’t step on toes
b.    Time of sessions and passing time – provide time for them to chat too
c.    Matrixing – once you have speaker applications, id the strands and put in rooms near each other don’t have them at the same time

5.    Communicate – let people know what’s going on!  The more people who come the more engaging the event will be to everyone!
a.    Post program before preregistration close
b.    Social Media for communicating - Twitter
c.    Email - Vertical Response - free for non-profits good for sending out emails
Mailman - good for a group of people to be able to send and receive emails
d.    Be clear on deadlines
e.    Timeline for speaker chair - sequence of events to report to the larger group
f.      Organizing the event
g.    Online forms (Google) for registration/evaluation/vendor forms/speaker forms/volunteer forms.  For voting Surveymonkey is good - can have blind ballots only for members - and can send email reminders to only the people who have not voted.  For setting up meetings lets people share when they are available - or vote on something - everyone sees everyone elses contributions.  
h.    Accept paypal payments (Wild Apricot keeps pretty good records, can invoice within PayPal for non-individual payments) Added summer 2013 JD: eventbrite is easy to use, but charges per paid registration. Wild Apricot charges per month - the fee is way less.

i.      Evaluate - make changes as needed (keep track of things so you can remember where rough spots were or started)

Presented by Kim Harrison and June Dodge

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

LDI2012: Yes You Can: The Real Story of Minarets High School Notes

Activate the back channel.

Embed questions within the presentation.

Thriving on Chaos - 1988

He has slides with progressive disclosure (but I only see the first (blank) screen?  what's up with that? - I'm on MacBook Air and tried in Chrome, Firefox and Safari?) - ebook to make ideas more attractive.

Great story but how many schools can be started from scratch with as many resources?
  • 8:50 am start
  • backward schedule every 4 weeks
  • weekly podcast
  • google apps
  • teacher cell numbers
  • quarterly surveys
  • kids present to parents before they get to take iPad home
  • variation on a theme - teachers work together
  • pro bro - baseball card on yourself each year - takes less time cuz effective filters down.  Junior does different styles of resumes. Get free business cards from company that offers that.
  • PBEs - Personal Brand Equity
  • Day after CSTs the class moves to the next level - read before summer - discuss over the summer on a Ning.

Cost to implement?  Free

First week
No technology
Full time culture building
team meetings - rock show by students
Academics are not on the table

Second week
50/50 Time
tech boot camp - garage band, keynote, iMovie
Cybersafety Info

Embedded Instructions - Learn keynote with Chuck Norris
Atlassian Independence Days - Ken Robinson? - he has them do something crazy the day before a big vacation - full day on art

Iron Chef Days
Pro Brochures

Senior Legacy Project

All his teacher apply to present at CUE if accepted they get to go or if they do not apply they do not get to go and need to think about what they are all about

Rock Star Teacher Camp

MACUL - Ed Tech Road Trip - Trip and twitter on the way to MACUL

We don't build better schools very well - but we can build better teachers.  CUE is the glue to this happening.

Need to be Professionally connected.

He says can do his style of school without funds.

Support and freedom needed from school/district.
What happens to the kids who are quiet or do not have skills to read or write?
How do kids get accepted to his school?
How many are first time to college and do they have data on how many graduate from 4-year college?
When I taught chapter one reading I spent first week introducing the kids to the materials and procedures - really helped them buy into the process and be independent and own their own reading progress.  Taking the time at the beginning really paid off so that's a good idea to get the school on the same page with procedures too.

LDI2012: Blackboard Collaborate Notes

Patrick Leonard
425 269-1447

What is Blackboard - BB Collaborate
What CUE has arranged for affiliates
Ideas and conversation

User Interface
Can move and resize sections of the windows - chats subgroups

Recording/re-purposing content automatically - so the speaker can concentrate on content rather than the mechanics of the presentation

Most can be downloaded as a collaborate file- can convert to another format

Up to six moderators - can set up affiliate room on CUE site

White Board - can share desktop or application or desktop
Web Tour - if attendees does not have access to subscription screen (nettrekker for example) they have to sit out while that is discussed as they can not see the screens of the restricted website.

Access via  for members only to access up to 100 - there are four rooms.  have to reserve room with CUE ahead of time  If you want recording have to contact Karl Forest ahead of time.

CUE Affiliates need to use this resources to be sure BB continues to give this access.  BB figures use it and sales will follow.


LDI2012: Effective Ways to Get Your Message Out Notes

Effective Ways to Get Your Message Out

"These bookmarks are killing me"

Slides are at:

Gene Tognetti
St. Leo the Great School, San Jose

Diigo for faculty - can make lists and can send out to email lists
Perhaps set up so everyone at a conference gets accounts and adds during the presentation - but would a blog work too?
Can sent out the list but receivers have to accept email to get to the information.

Links from Karen Larson:
Symbaloo for students -

LDI2012: Vertical Response Notes

CUE is setting up relationship with Vertical Response.

 The plan is to for CUE to have access to all affiliate accounts and they would then add a new list each month for the affiliate memberships (currently they send email to one person at the affiliate: monthly membership list, 2x year list of people attending CUE event, and 2x year summary of people who have not renewed).  The new lists would be named consistently and include all the fields so they are easy to find.  Affiliates will have the option to use VR or not.  CUE wants to work out a way for them to use unused VR credits.

 For a while CUE will do both email and VR  then only in VR.

 CUE is hoping to work a out system so they can send CUE approved blocks of information - ads for their events via VR.  Affiliates will have the option to use or not.

 CUE is working on getting accounts set up - not ready until at least August 2012.


Idea to include coupons with emails to get people to read them (free cupcakes?).

OCCUE uses Eventbrite - attendees print out their registration then check in at the event - get nametag and the person checking in scans the print out to check them in.

 LACUE uses Constent Comment - they print nametag with other program but check people in as they come in. They do not accept purchase orders.

 SDCUE uses Wild Apricot for individuals, Google doc for groups. They accept purchase orders.

Reminder to send notice to CUE of local events that are to be listed on the website/newsletter.

SDCUE has been using VR for a while.  They now have it so a master list is created by the system so one can click one option to send email to everyone in the system.  It is very difficult to get an email put back on the list once they are coded as a bouncer, but VR told June D a few years ago they would do it on their end if it was a domain name that bounced.  So SDCUE looked a the bounces, contacted district to get the emails unblocked then asked VR to unblock.  There were still some districts that bounced the next year.  So it's an ongoing issue.