Vertical Response is a mail list program that offers non-profits up to 10,000 email to be sent out at no cost. It's pretty simple to sign up - and now CUE is using this program to update the membership database, saving affiliates the task of uploading the data themselves.
The affiliate should have one person in charge of the account.
Before an email is sent out a draft should be sent around to be sure information is correct and to see if any notice is missing.
Within the program one can override the default and put perhaps a better return address - the one of the person sending the email is best.
Also, I'm finding now that I am stepping out of the this role, that I should have consistently taken time to fill out the description of each list - that would have been more helpful to others when they are deciding to send targeted emails.
It's good for there to be an initial or name in the email so people know who to direct questions to, etc. In the backend the initials of the person can be put in the title too.
Once an email bounces then it is not possible to upload via another list upload, so the membership chair needs to monitor the new lists and take time to unbounce people so the receive emails. It takes time though, but that should be something done.
We noticed an issue with the uploaded lists and have found at least one person that should have been on the membership lists for our affiliate but they were not. CUE has been written so they are aware of this issue.
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